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Trending Technologies Used in the Development of Mobile Apps

Mobile app development has been moving at a faster pace. The mobile apps have redefined the way we have been doing a lot of things that includes buying things or even transferring money to someone. The technological advancement has been able to bring in a new degree of enhancement in improving the Android and iOS apps.

Trending technologies used in mobile app development

An app development company can ideally make use of a huge range of technologies for an enhanced experience in terms of the best app experience. A company that leverages different technologies can assure a huge degree of performance enhancement.

Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence can help ensure that the computer, mobile app, or machine is capable of understanding what you want to communicate. Using AI can make your app smart enough to understand speech, language and even following a pattern.

It can ideally help save a great deal of time and energy. Such kinds of AI applications have been useful in the development of apps that can monitor driverless cars, market predictions, and monitoring traffic.

Edge Computing

Edge computing is yet another newer technology that is designed to provide new functionality to your app. Edge computing reduces long-distance communication and thus helps you achieve the task of improving the speed of communication.

The app developers have been making use of edge computing technology to ensure that they can easily access the data saved in remote locations. This will also ensure a better degree of functionality in cases where you may have limited connectivity.


Flutter is one of the excellent options for a better degree of app development capability. The Mobile app development SDK developed by Google is quite effective and efficient in ensuring that you would be able to create cross-platform applications with ease.

This can be one of the excellent options that would help you reduce the efforts needed in creating two separate apps for different platforms. You can create an app compatible with both iOS and Android with ease using Flutter. You do not need to write the code right from the scratch anymore and can create the app without hassles of any kind.

Augmented reality

Augmented Reality or AR is yet another thoughtful option that has proved its efficiency in several scenarios. It can go a long way in promoting and helping out with immersive and real-life experiences to your users.

The technology simply makes use of the digital images and data thereof to create completely realistic imagery of how things look like. The AR technology can be one of the exciting options that can assure a great experience in terms of makeup applications, beauty cam apps, and other similar options.

Robotic Process automation

Robotic process automation – known in the technology circles as RPA is one of the excellent options for enjoying a far better degree of artificial intelligence experience. Robotic process automation takes your artificial intelligence a couple of steps ahead.

The technology is being integrated with mobile applications. This can be useful in providing you a huge degree of automation capability at its best.

The trends we expect to take off in 2021

Well, we would indeed foresee a huge enhancement for the world at large when it comes to the trending technologies that are put to optimum use in a mobile app.

  • Chatbots and voice assistants can help you automate the most essential and effective human interactions. The integration of AI can go a long way in improving user engagement and helps saving businesses
  • Ecommerce is set to be one of the most trending options. This has further enhanced the integration with mobile wallets and digital wallets.
  • The focus on faster data speed, low latency, enhanced user experience is a few options that are set to redefine your experience further.
  • Focus on the loading times is yet another important factor that is set to redefine your experience to a considerable extent.

Well, mobile apps have become one of the prime sources of getting things done. A perfect link between customers and enterprises, the mobile apps do need to be in tune with the latest technological developments. This can only be possible with the adoption of the new technologies and that is what most of the new-age app development companies have been focussing on.

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